Accountingprose Blog

Maximizing ICHRA Health Benefits for Your Growing Business

Written by Enzo | December 07, 2022

If you've got a growing business, you should really check out ICHRA Health Benefits. They can totally change the game for providing affordable and customizable health insurance for your employees. You see, Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangements (ICHRA) are becoming a popular alternative to traditional group health plans because they offer more flexibility and control.

In this blog post, we'll dive into the nitty-gritty of ICHRA rules and share some tips for setting up a successful plan. We'll chat about how to design an ICHRA plan that works for different types of employees while keeping it affordable through safe harbors. Plus, we'll give you the lowdown on smoothly transitioning from traditional group health plans to ICHRAs.

And that's not all! We'll also touch on the importance of meeting affordability requirements for large employers under ACA regulations and share some helpful hints on using safe harbors effectively. You'll also get to explore various options within an ICHRA framework that cater to both your employees' and your business's needs. Finally, we'll let you in on how implementing a user-friendly administration system can make the whole process of adopting ICHRA Health Benefits a breeze for your company.


Understanding Individual Coverage HRAs (ICHRA)

ICHRA is a new kind of Integrated HRA that lets employers offer tax-free health benefits to their employees. It's a game-changer because it gives more flexibility and customization than traditional group health plans. We'll chat about what ICHRA is, its purpose, and how it's different from traditional group health plans.


So, what's an ICHRA?

It's an employer-funded account that lets employees pay for individual health insurance premiums and other qualified medical expenses pre-tax. This means they get personalized healthcare options while cutting down on overall costs. The main goal of using an ICHRA is to provide tailored healthcare options while reducing the costs tied to employee benefits.

Now, let's talk about how ICHRA is different from traditional group health plans:

  1. Funding: Employers contribute a specific amount towards each employee's healthcare costs in an ICHRA, rather than sharing premium costs like in traditional plans.

  2. Tax Benefits: Both offer tax perks, but funds contributed by employers towards an ICHRA are exempt from payroll taxes or federal income taxes.

  3. Coverage Options: Traditional plans usually limit employees' choices for insurance providers or policies, while ICHRAs let them pick the individual health insurance that works best for them.

  4. Flexibility: Employers have more wiggle room when deciding contribution amounts under an ICHRA. They can set different reimbursement levels based on things like job title, hours worked, or location, which isn't possible with traditional plans.

To sum it up, ICHRAs are a flexible and cost-effective alternative for employers who want to offer personalized healthcare options while staying compliant with federal rules. Businesses can weigh the differences between ICHRA and traditional group health plans to figure out which one is the best fit for their goals and employee needs.

Figuring out ICHRA can be a bit tricky, but with the right guidance and support, it's totally possible to create a successful plan that meets both company and employee needs. Crafting an ICHRA requires careful thought about reimbursement amounts, class size requirements, affordability guidelines, and more, which we'll discuss in the next section.


Designing an Effective ICHRA Plan

Designing a successful Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement (ICHRA) plan takes some careful thinking about factors like employee classes, minimum class size requirements, and affordability. By putting some thought into it, you can offer tailored health benefits for your employees while following the rules for providing insurance.


Now, let's break it down...

Setting reimbursement amounts based on employee classes

It's super important to make sure your ICHRA plan is fair and flexible by organizing reimbursements based on employee classes. This way, you can create customized plans for different groups, like full-time, part-time, seasonal workers, or those in different locations. 

Here are some ideas:

  • Full-Time Employees: Give them higher reimbursements since they might have more healthcare needs because of longer working hours.

  • Part-Time Employees: Offer lower reimbursements for part-timers who may not need as much coverage since they work fewer hours per week.

  • Seasonal Workers: Change reimbursements during busy seasons when you have more temporary staff.

  • Different Geographic Locations: Make plans based on regional differences in healthcare costs and available services across the US.

Meeting minimum class size requirements

To create an ICHRA plan that follows the Affordable Care Act (ACA) rules, you need to make sure you have enough people in each class. For example, if you offer ICHRA coverage to full-time employees, you'll need to meet a specific minimum class size for that group.

Keeping it affordable with safe harbors

One of the key things when designing an ICHRA plan is to make sure it's affordable for everyone. You can use safe harbors from the ACA regulations to help you adjust the affordability threshold and avoid penalties for not following the rules.

Here are some options:

  • Federal Poverty Line (FPL) Safe Harbor: Use FPL guidelines as a reference when deciding how much to contribute to your ICHRA plans.

  • Rate-of-Pay Safe Harbor: Calculate employee contributions based on hourly wages or monthly salaries multiplied by a certain percentage set by federal guidelines.

  • W-2 Wage-Based Safe Harbor: Figure out employee contributions using annual W-2 wages instead of current pay rates.

Keeping all these factors in mind while designing your ICHRA plan will help you come up with a customized and compliant solution that works for both your business and your employees.

In a nutshell, creating an effective ICHRA plan means thinking about reimbursement amounts, class size requirements, and affordability. Switching from group health plans to ICHRAs can be great for employers who want to offer better coverage options for their employees.


Exploring the Benefits and Flexibility of ICHRAs for Employers and Employees

So, you've heard about ICHRAs and how they can offer flexible options for employees, right? Well, let's dive a bit deeper into what makes them so appealing.

With an ICHRA, employees can choose health coverage that fits their needs perfectly, which can lead to happier, more satisfied staff. Plus, it helps employers manage healthcare costs more effectively. Win-win!


Here are some ways employees can customize their coverage:

  1. Deductible levels: Folks can pick a plan with higher or lower deductibles based on their expected medical expenses and how much risk they're comfortable with.

  2. Copayments and coinsurance rates: Different plans might have different copayment amounts or coinsurance percentages for things like doctor visits or prescription meds.

  3. In-network providers: Employees can choose a plan that includes their preferred doctors, hospitals, or healthcare providers.

  4. Savings accounts compatibility: Some plans work with tax-advantaged savings accounts like Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), helping employees save on out-of-pocket medical expenses.


Now, let's talk about the benefits for employers:

  1. Control costs: You can set a specific benefit amount for each employee class, making it easier to predict and manage healthcare expenses.

  2. Simplify administration: No more dealing with traditional group health plan management, which means less admin work for you!

  3. Increase employee satisfaction: Employees get personalized health benefits, which can lead to increased job satisfaction and retention.

  4. Enjoy tax savings: Like traditional group plans, reimbursements made through an ICHRA are tax-free for both employers and employees. This means valuable tax savings while still offering solid health benefits.


Implementing a solid ICHRA administration system is crucial. Look for one with an easy-to-use interface, automated onboarding, strong data security, detailed reporting, and ongoing compliance monitoring. User-friendly tools like mobile apps, online portals, and simple guides can help employees make informed decisions about their health benefits.

By leveraging these tools effectively, your business can make sure that ICHRAs are cost-effective and beneficial for everyone involved. So go ahead, explore the world of ICHRAs and see how they can work for you!